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We’re officially a Sustainability Partner of the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva!

As Sustainability Partner, we will monitor waste production at the AIforGood Global Summit in Geneva, reinforcing the idea that NANDO is in line with the green vision of the Summit and especially of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
But there’s more! As we strongly believe in the importance of raising awareness on sustainability, we’ll ensure that everyone at the event will be actively involved thanks to NANDO.

But what is the AI for Good Global Summit?
The Global Summit is a big event organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on the 30th – 31st May 2024, in Geneva.

AI for Good is a year round digital platform where AI innovators unite to help identify practical AI solutions to advance the United Nations SDGs.
And NANDO is part of these solutions!

We would like to thank International Telecommunication Union for choosing us as Sustainability Partner, we can’t wait to join this amazing event and be part of a real change!